
Independence vibes at Swakopmund Night Market

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Independence vibes at Swakopmund Night Market

When communities come together, it helps create a stable foundation of reliable relationships, and it strengthens support between peers.

This is one of many reasons the Swakopmund Night Market was established in 2019. With so many goods and activities on offer, the numbers of visitors and small businesses keep growing with every edition, says organiser Danien van Niekerk. 

So, if you have not attended one yet, well, the monthly market is back again tomorrow at its usual spot – the Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre.

“The market creates a networking platform for generating contacts, finding solutions, having conversations, spending time with friends and family – and all in a fun open-air atmosphere,” she told VIBEZ! 

“We also believe that art needs more exposure and, therefore, we invite and pay performers to entertain visitors during the event. We give them a stage to get themselves and their content out there.” 

Billed to commence at 18h00 and end at 22h00 as an early Independence Day celebration, visitors can expect plenty of stalls with quality products, live music, as well as a fire show. 

A new activity this time around is a full evening of African entertainment that comprises performances by the African Vocals Acapella Band, marimbas, a drum circle and a dance show, including an African dance number. 

“We are very excited to celebrate Independence Day – African-style,” said Van Niekerk.

As usual, delicious food and a warm, welcoming atmosphere, even in the misty weather, will be on offer.

She highlighted the visitors’ safety is a priority; thus, security guards will patrol the venue. 

The night market is the brainchild of the previous general manager of the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre, Janet Wilson-Moore, who approached Van Niekerk to run with it. 

Because they also offer All-Day Markets, Van Niekerk said they have recently expanded the team to welcome a managing partner Elzanne van Heerden, as the markets have grown and needed more hands on board with all the planning.

In terms of growth, Van Niekerk was happy to report that the Night Markets used to get around 300-350 visitors, but it has expanded to between 600-800 visitors per market. 

All-Day Markets get between 1 200 and 3 000 visitors, depending on the season. 

“Stall capacity has also been increased over the years, and markets are generally fully booked per event. Night Markets have around 30-40 stalls, whereas All-Day Markets around 65 stalls.” 

For the Night Market tomorrow, adults need to pay N$20 to gain entry – and children between 8 and 18 pay N$10. Babies and toddlers enter for free.

An All-day market event is slated for 8 April.

– vamutenya9@gmail.com