
Industry Loop | Follow-through energy

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Industry Loop | Follow-through energy

Another new year, another week, another status or debate about the industry or lack thereof on socials with zero follow-through energy. I am so sick and tired of these statuses and posts about the industry. I’ve had the longest debates about the industry on socials. I’ve had bitter debates; been lodged in these debates for a good 10 years now and honestly, it’s tiring and I am soooooooo over it.

The lack of follow-through energy is a collective problem. That’s the one thing that we suck at as Namibians. We love talking big on socials. We will talk you into the ground on socials. We will go haywire and hysterical on socials with our talk. But when it all comes down to the actual work…f*kol, niks, zero! The entertainment and arts industry is not immune to this very unique Namibian problem, especially in radio circles.

The people who control these radio stations do not care about your post or status on socials. The people who own these radio stations could care less about the comments on your posts or

status. So, what good does your post or status do, especially with our world-renowned lack of follow-through energy?

Mzwakhe Mbuli, a famed African poet, organised a whole march to the SABC in South Africa last year to demand the reinstatement of Robert Marawa as a talk show host. Where in this Namibia will you see something like that? Big talk on socials and that’s where it ends. Again, f*kol follow-through energy. A march or protest in Namibia for a radio presenter? That will be the day.

People will tell you straight, “there are bigger issues” but will still continue to moan and b*tch about radio stations.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. I think listeners in Namibia just do not understand that they have the power and legal right to protest, contest or complain using official channels. That’s where the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (Cran) comes in. But before we even get to Cran, you have station managers who make the decisions. Everything you hear on the radio is the result of a station manager. Radio presenters have zero power. Namibians need to learn that complaining to radio presenters will help f*kol.

Namibians need to dig up that follow-through energy and learn to follow the channels to register their discontent. What are the channels?

Station managers – that’s the first step. Find their email addresses and send a detailed email about why you are unhappy about the content or whatever your issue may be. If you do not get a satisfactory response, then you can escalate it to Cran. 

But will Namibians really do it? I doubt my Damara groot kop not! So yes, let’s maar continue to moan on Facebook and complain to radio presenters in their private spaces which we know will help f*kol.


Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM


Need an MC? I do not post naked pictures or have 100k followers but after 10 years of MCeeing, I think I can do the job.


Contact me for a quote at naobebsekind@gmail.com