
Industry Loop: House in Namibia!

Home National Industry Loop: House in Namibia!

Music is beautiful and it is no different with house. Regardless of how beautiful the house genre is, I still cannot listen to it all night in the club or at an event. In fact, I cannot listen to a singular genre all night. I am a Namibian. This means I am a multi-cultured entertainer and follower of music. However, that is not the point that I am trying to bring across today. I actually want to commend the music that is coming out of Namibian studios in terms of house. 

Namibian house has a long history in the country though contributed in patches. Who can forget Dj Kalu’s earliest modern attempts at house? We have Omalaiti to thank for his exploits as he genuinely tried to add a Namibian sound to house. Dj KBozz, DJ Cmbaville & Sam-e Lee Jones were the earliest contributors to house in the country. Who can forget Dj Ex’s famous “I cry” song? Namibian house has been part of the Namibian entertainment space for the longest time.

The new generation of house songs are nothing short of amazing! The new generation have the above mentioned to thank for the current house space. The new generation sound escalated in 2014 when Dj Xavi’s “Cwalise Itaful” hit the streets. It is been an upward trajectory ever since. Dj HouVas with “Mega Drums”, Dj 2piece with “LOL” all followed with great success.  Who can forget what Arraphat Muuhure and Cox did for this genre with albums packed with classic hits? 

Now what the 2017/2018 Namibian crop of house songs has done is just build on the sound of the veterans. It has added that 2018 touch with ease. Many times when I chill with good friends, I would play these songs knowing very well, they do not know the songs. They would jam to the songs thinking it is South African house. When I break the news to them that it is actually Namibian, they simply refused to believe me. The new sound led by Afroberries, Dj Desertstorm, Dj Ambizzy, Aimee, Neimgozi and Dj Roxy are nothing short of a new breath of fresh air. I understand that Dj Xavi is also set to make a comeback with an album.  My message is clear to you; give the Namibian house sound a chance. 

If you have any of the songs from the above mentioned new schoolhouse artists on your phone/PC etc.…play it at your chills. See people’s reaction when you tell them that it is Namibian. These great songs deserve your affection. 

Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!
NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email naobebsekind@gmail.com
@naobebsekind (twitter)