Is your GIPF membership status up to date?

Home Business Is your GIPF membership status up to date?

Amos Kambonde

The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) is a defined pension Fund that provides guaranteed pension benefits to its members.

This means the Fund provides guaranteed benefits to members no matter what happens in the market, how long an employee lives after retirement, or whether he or she becomes disabled and unable to work. The benefits are defined in terms of the rules of the Fund and most of the benefits are calculated based on the final average salary and years of service.

Membership to the GIPF is part of the conditions of service for civil servants and employees of participating institutions. To be admitted to the Fund, a membership admission form must be completed on behalf of the employee by his/her human resources (HR) office.

As a GIPF member, when providing details to your employer, kindly ensure that the personal details you are providing are accurate and up to date. We encourage all our members to ensure they provide certified copies of their personal documents and those of their dependents to their employers such as identity documents, marriage certificate and birth certificate.

It is our members’ sole responsibility to make sure that they visit the GIPF offices countrywide to make sure that they are admitted to the Fund.

Payments of claims will be delayed if the GIPF does not have all the required documents, hence we are calling upon our members to make sure that all documents are with the Fund in order to avoid claims being paid late which may frustrate members and beneficiaries.

As a Fund we are obligated to give accurate and timely payment to our members we therefore believe in sharing much needed information with our members. We urge all our members to make use of all our platforms to access our services; this can be done through our digital online platforms or by means of calling our offices or visiting our offices.

The Fund believes that increased customer service has a positive impact on service delivery; as such we continuously aim to achieve excellence in helping our members. In this regard, the Fund will strive to always come up with innovative ways on how to interact and help its large membership.We would like to bring to the attention of our members that the GIPF regards stakeholders’ engagement as a key aspect of its business strategy thus we are very pleased to announce and inform all our members and the general public that the GIPF offices will be open throughout the festival season with the exception of public holidays.
* Amos Kambonde is GIPF’s acting GM of marketing and stakeholder engagement
Photo: Amos
Amos Kambonde