
Kahiriri goes after NAFPU properties…union owes him N$122 000

Home Sports Kahiriri goes after NAFPU properties…union owes him N$122 000

Firebrand trade unionist, sport and labour consultant Olsen Kahiriri is going after the properties of the beleaguered Namibia Football Players Union (NAFPU) in a bid to recoup more than N$122 000 owed to him by the union.

Kahiriri took over as NAFPU’s secretary general in 2016 and remained in that position until March last year when their relationship soured. It was reported last year that the NAFPU board hastily arranged a meeting where it was decided to dismiss Kahiriri without following due process. To compound matters, and as an additional measure to sack Kahiriri, the somewhat extraneous footballers union proceeded to place padlocks to the gates and doors of the union offices on the morning of 4 March 2019 to deny Kahiriri access.

Their feud played out in the public and eventually reached the uncompromising Office of the Labour Commissioner – and after months of dialoguing, arbitrator Lucia Amupadhi on 20 December late last year ruled in favour of Kahiriri and ordered that NAFPU compensate Kahiriri with N$121 995 in outstanding salaries of five months, dating back to September 2018 until January 2019.
The Windhoek High Court has since insured a writ of execution of moveable properties belong to NAFPU and the deputy sheriff has since been directed on behalf of Kahiriri to go after the properties of union.

“You are hereby directed to attach and take into execution the movable property and/or goods of the Namibia Football Players Union, of 4551 Dolla street Khomasdal Windhoek, which property is situated at erf 4551 Dolla street, Khomasdal, Windhoek… the abovementioned Execution Debtor(s) and of the same to cause to be realised by public auction the sum of N$121 995.00, together with interest thereon at the rate of 20% per annum from the 20th day of December 2019 and the sum of N$0.00 for the taxed costs and charges of the said Execution Creditor, which he or she recovered by judgment of this Court dated on 20 December 2019 in the abovementioned case, and also all other costs and charges of the judgement creditor in the said case to be hereafter duly taxed according to law, besides all your costs thereby incurred. Further, pay to the said judgement creditor or his or her legal practitioner the sum or sums due to him with costs as abovementioned, and for your so doing, this is your warrant,” reads the High Court writ of execution recently issued. For the better part last year, the troubled NAFPU hogged ear-piercing headlines ranging from maladministration to financial irregularities and its current status with international mother body FIFPro remains unclear to date.
– ohembapu@nepc.com.na