
Katima yet to make decision on undeveloped plots

Home National Katima yet to make decision on undeveloped plots

KATIMA MULILO – Driving around Katima Mulilo in various suburbs like Boma, Soweto, Nambweza and Newlook,  one would see several undeveloped plots. The town council said the plots already have owners, yet they have been undeveloped for many years. 

While many residents in the north eastern town are still on the waiting list, some own plots which they have failed to develop. Some allege that these plots are owned by people who already have houses where they live, making developing these plots a second priority and that some of the plot owners simply do not have the financial means to build houses on them leaving them undeveloped. After years of not developing them, some end up selling these plots to gain profit.

Approached for comment, the CEO of Katima Raphael Liswaniso, stated the Katima Mulilo Town Council  is not turning a blind eye on the issue. He explained that council is yet to make a decision on what to do with the undeveloped plots, but that they are still working on the issue.

Previously, the same council had told  this reporter they were going to repossess the undeveloped plots but nothing ever came out of that empty threat

Liswaniso explained that normally when  people are given  plots, they are given a certain period in which they should develop them, and failure to do so, subsequent to a council resolution, the ownership of such plots can be revoked by the town council.

“We have already identified those plots. We are busy with the submission to be given to council (management) to make a decision on it. The owners will be consulted, and letters will be written to them to inform them of the decision of council,” he said.

Liswaniso however could to give the exact number of undeveloped plots they have identified. “Although the issue is almost finalised, it is still with the planning section, only after they bring the report to me will I be able to give the exact number.”