
Katjiua, Nudo on warpath

Katjiua, Nudo on warpath

OKAHANDJA – Academic Mutjinde Katjiua has threatened to mobilise his subjects against voting for the National Unity Democratic Organisation or its candidate in November. 

This is if the Nudo leadership does not change its political posture towards his chieftainship, he said, threatening to strategically disarm the party at the polls come November’s watershed elections, where contenders will be separated from pretenders. 

Katjiua is one of the Ovaherero Traditional Authority’s (OTA) claimant paramount chiefs. 

A rival faction of the OTA is led by another academic in the form of Hoze Riruako. 

Katjiua, who predominantly enjoys great support from OTA members in the Aminuis constituency in the Omaheke region, also a traditional stronghold of Nudo, is on a warpath with one of the country’s oldest political formations. 

The outspoken academic expressed his growing dismay with the party’s Utjiua Muinjangue-led leadership during the annual Red Flag Day commemoration at Okahandja this past weekend, where he was joined by scores of his supporters and delegates from Botswana and South Africa. 

“The current Nudo leadership is on record that they do not know me as a chief, and that I was not elected as a chief, they are on record with their words. They are also on record that they are working against the interests of my leadership. Now, my message to them is clear; we are not going to vote for that leadership. I hereby direct all of you not to vote for them [Nudo] because they are not serving our interests. They are not serving the interest of the Ovaherero people, so why vote for them?” asked Katjiua. 

Reacting to Katjiua’s onslaughts on Nudo, party vice president Peter Kazongominja yesterday said they are not worried nor moved by the threats to weaken Nudo. 

The Aminuis constituency councillor said the party will always overcome any individual agendas, including Katjiua’s.  

“That is his own opinion, and people are free to say what they want. We are not worried or moved by his words, because we know the history and struggles of Nudo, and no individual interests or agendas will triumph at the expense of the party. I think history has proven that time and again. As leaders, we know better, and we also understand why people say the things they say; some people have their own political ambitions,” said Kazongominja.

He continued: “Namibia is a democratic country, and for the chief to insinuate that the Nudo leadership was against him during the Otjimbingwe paramount chief elections or said they do not recognise him is incomprehensible. People are free to choose who they want to associate themselves with, and if they say they don’t recognise your chieftainship, what is the problem with that? So, we are under no panic whatsoever. Nudo will go to the polls in November, and our supporters will do what they always do.”

But Katjiua is firm in his resolve. 

He says unless and until Nudo changes its attitude and political posture towards his OTA, he will mobilise his people and deliver a heavy blow to Nudo at the polls in

“Their attitude was clear in Otjimbingwe when they said they do not recognise me. So, what does one do in such a situation? I have always maintained that I remain politically neutral, but as it stands now, this Nudo has made it their business to work against my leadership, to work against you the Ovaherero, and we will make a decision not to vote for it. If the current leadership remains there, we will not vote Nudo,” Katjiua said, breaking ranks with his earlier position not to actively enter the contested and congested political terrain. 

Recently, Nudo’s failure to pull off an elective congress once again gave credence to critics who say most political parties in Namibia are run like cuca shops, where accountability and professionalism are zilch. 

The failure has a huge financial and credibility cost, and could further shatter the party’s unity.

Despite spending nearly N$1 million, of which N$300 000 was allegedly borrowed, the party’s long-awaited congress ended in tears after Muinjangue abruptly called it off, citing security concerns. 

As things stand, for Nudo, the status quo remains, with Muinjangue as party leader and possibly presidential candidate, despite her earlier indication that she was calling it a day.

It remains to be seen if Nudo will organise another congress to elect new leaders between now and October, which is the final month for the nomination of presidential candidates.

Those interested in the Nudo presidency are Kazongominja, former Okakarara constituency councillor Vetaruhe Kandorozu and deputy Windhoek mayor Joseph Uapingene.  -ohembapu@nepc.com.na