
Kavango West all set for Heroes Day

Home National Kavango West all set for Heroes Day

NKURENKURU – Kavango West Governor Sirkka Ausiku says all is set for Heroes Day at Nkurenkuru this Sunday, August 26.

 It’s an honour for the region, she adds. “People are excited, we are looking forward to the big day because we are expecting to receive many dignitaries and also veterans of the liberation struggle, those who fought for this country and ordinary citizens who will come to witness the big day,” Ausiku says excitedly.

According to the governor, the region has been readying itself and expects to receive between 15,000 to 20,000 guests from all over Namibia. There are only a few accommodation facilities in Nkurenkuru, and all are already fully booked, but neighbouring towns like Rundu, Tsumeb, Eehnana and Okongo will accommodate some people.

Planning the event didn’t financially stress Kavango West. “Heroes Day is a national event that is commemorated on a yearly basis, as a result budgetary provision is made for all national events by the Office of the Prime Minister,” she adds. 
Customarily, the event is of a military nature and there will be a military display. “My appeal to our communities is not to panic when they see movement of military armaments and military jets that may fly on Sunday. I’m also appealing to residents to be alert on the movement of many cars and to stay away from the main roads and take care of animals, not to cross the road,” Ausiku pleads.

“To our visitors, the region is experiencing a huge number of elephants. Motorists must be cautious, elephants are now crossing the roads during the night, they must not just only think of cattle. The affected roads are our main road the B10 road – Rundu to Nkurenkuru and D3006 Mpungu and Tsumeb. Hence exercise caution when driving. Apart from that our region is ready to welcome our guests and give them our warm hospitality,” she says.