
He will never leave you, nor forsake you

Home Youth Corner He will never leave you, nor forsake you

These are the words that are meant to be our strength and support. I quote: Deuteronomy 31 verse 6: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord goes with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Every day of our lives we are reminded of the fact that no matter what path we walk, wherever we are, the Lord is always with us, this verse is proof of what we will reap if we abide by him. God is love, hope, faith and a whole lot of goodness that surpasses humankind.

O well, I’m not a preacher, but if you have an opportunity to tell people of the glory of God once in a while then take it as a blessing. Trust me, God is always looking out for us. He walks with us everywhere we go although we can’t see Him.

It takes faith to walk righteously by Him, and this is exactly what He wants us to do. He wants us to read the bible, get familiar with it and live by its words. Only then will we find true happiness, abundant love from Him and once you find Him,

He will never leave you. He will not forsake you for anything in this world. All He would offer is profound happiness, profound peace and eternal life in his kingdom.

God promises to fight our battles if we live as per his righteousness, if not then He will give us the strength we need to endure, conquer and win the battles that we face in our daily lives. He knows us far better than anyone, more than we even know ourselves, we seek Him through prayers, but He knows what we want before we even ask Him.

Yet first you shall seek it, seek what you want, as He said and you shall get. Seeking isn’t the only way to get, because we are well aware of the fact that He helps those that help themselves, those that are willing to fight for themselves, those that seek the strength to go through every hardship for their own good and not for God to fight battles for them.

He tells us to be strong and have courage. We should not be afraid of anything, or anyone, for He will always be with us. God stays with you when you are sober, when you are in your right state of mind. This is why we young people should stop drinking away our problems. He will not work a miracle in your drunkenness. He awaits you to seek Him. Cry to Him and He will strengthen you even more and you will be able to overcome anything in this world.

Do not turn your back on Him. He will take care of you once you find Him. A prayer and a willing heart is all the reason He needs to stay in your life.

Monika Ulitala Martin is an aspiring writer and second-year BA degree student at the Namibia University of Science and Technology. Every week she focuses on a different topic to inspire young people.