
Letter – Open letter to the minister of poverty eradication

Home Letters Letter – Open letter to the minister of poverty eradication
Letter –  Open letter to the minister of poverty eradication

Uwe Rathmann


Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Child Welfare, honourable Doreen Sioka informed the Namibian public on NBC –TV about her awareness that recipients of grants at Nampost are increasingly victimised and robbed in daylight by greedy criminal relatives, ‘friends’ and foreigners of a part or all of their grant.

Zero protection is provided and the Namibian Police are absent.

As a citizen, my basic question is, does honourable Sioka know that about 30% of grant recipients can’t read and are totally vulnerable and helpless to report this persisting challenge by asking victims to report their fraud related cases to constituency offices countrywide?

What the minister apparently pretends not to know about the constituency councillors and their staff is that they also have no service charter to adhere to. This causes non-responsiveness to public queries, but resorts to avoid public assistance under such circumstances. Such public office malpractices cause the marginalised members of society, especially the grant recipients, to be victimised through fraud and money grabbing.

The established society betrays the marginalised and forgotten Namibians again!


Please pay attention!


Email: uwe.rathmann@yahoo.com