
Long distances hamper Kabbe SIM registrations

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Long distances hamper Kabbe SIM registrations

Marythar Kambinda


KATIMA MULILO – With just less than two weeks to go before unregistered SIM cards are blocked, some community members in Kabbe South, particularly in the areas of Nankuntwe, Muzii and Ikaba, have not registered their SIM cards due to the long travelling distances. 

The SIM card registration, which has been ongoing since 2022, has left some members of the community frustrated and disappointed at the slow pace it is going within the region.

During community engagements with regional officials from the information ministry, frustrated Kabbe South community members stated that they were unable to register their SIM cards due to the long distances they must travel to reach Katima Mulilo to have their numbers registered.

Other community members also stated that they were not aware of the deadline of 31 December, and that unregistered SIM cards would be disconnected.

According to the residents of Muzii, it is not only about long commutes but also financial costs, as they would have to spend about N$300 or more to travel to and from Katima Mulilo to register their SIM cards.

Dominic Siyumbwa said he travelled to Katima Mulilo to have his SIM card registered at MTC – but due to the long queue, he was unable to.  

“MTC needs to have more staff members assisting with the registration process because people cannot stand in long queues outside for hours with no provision for extra seats,” said a visibly frustrated Siyumbwa.

Other frustrated community members have settled with the idea that they cannot be in any contact with friends and family in 2024, as it is just not possible for them to travel to Katima Mulilo, as a majority of them are unemployed and have no means of getting transportation money.

“We might as well start wishing new year blessings for our family members now, as we will be unable to do so – come the 1st of January 2024,” said a disappointed Desmon Limbambala.

Others were also disappointed that during the rollout campaign, the MTC team never reached their areas. 

They further called on MTC to come to their rescue by visiting their areas for registration, as they are unable to travel to Katima Mulilo.


* Marythar Kambinda is an information officer of the MICT in the Zambezi region.