
Mushe tests the waters for new shoe line

Home Lifestyle Mushe tests the waters for new shoe line

WINDHOEK – Musician-cum-businessman Mushe, real name Albert Uulenga, recently posted shoes on social media platforms to gauge public reaction to his soon-to-be launched shoe line. 

This came as a surprise to many of his followers, who thought the shoe sample presented online was the real deal. However, Entertainment Now! has learnt that the budding entrepreneur was merely doing market research.
Some responded positively to the idea to have the shoe line, some complimented “his work ethic”, and others gave the artiste negative feedback.  

Mushe has since explained to Entertainment Now! that the reason behind the shoe line was to complement his full kit gear called #COTAMUSHE. He, therefore, decided to make a few samples and put them on social media for feedback before production kicks off. 

“I wanted to get my fans’ opinion if they liked the way the designs came out or advise if any adjustments should be done. Judging on the reactions I got, I’m more than happy going forward,’’ he adds.
The 2012 and 2013 Namibian Music Awards (NAMAs) Male Artist of the Year will be partnering with an associate, who frequently travels to Abu Dhabi to facilitate the production process to make sure the shoe line is of quality before it hits the local market.

Mushe also explained that the company was working on the final product and would reveal the date of release in the near future. Also in the pipeline is a perfume called #COTAMUSHE Perfume and an album to be released in September.
The ‘Onkalamwenyo’ singer is running a poultry business, an event organising company and the oMUnangeSHEfa PUB in the north