Namibian Police

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Query: Mr Police Spokesman, you had it so wrong last weekend! People should be free to walk where it is legal to do so, without fear. What you should be saying is that it is not right to rape and kill. Stop blaming the victims.

Response: The author is 100% correct, however the Namibian Police Force has a constitutional mandate to prevent crime from happening by advising people to avoid certain places at certain times in order to avoid being victims of crime. The comment was not meant to criticise or to limit the free movement of Namibian citizens. Places such as riverbeds, bushes and alleys where rapists/criminals can hide, must be avoided at all times. The nation should apply common sense as it is one’s best defence against any type of attack. Always be aware of surroundings and stay in environments that are conducive. By doing so, you will avoid being a victim of crimes such as rape, murder, attacks, robbery and many others from happening. The Namibian Constitution makes provision for Respect for Human Dignity Article 8, 2 (b). Hence, the Namibian Police Force is against any barbaric actions of killing and raping innocent people. Those who commit such crimes will face the full wrath of the law.

Query: Why is it that only some cases are given special attention? A crime is a crime whether it is murder or theft

Response: One of the Namibian Police Force functions is to investigate offences and or alleged offences. Indeed a crime is a crime; however each case has its own merit. When cases are received they are assessed and prioritized especially in the cases of schedule one offences such as murder, rape, armed robberies, and assault GBH, etc. Serious crimes are prioritized above petty cases such as shoplifting and theft.
• Kauna Shikwambi, Chief Inspector, Namibian Police, E-mail Address: