The strike at the Namibia Training Authority (NTA) head office, as well as vocational centres across the country came to an end last Friday following an agreement on the salary and benefits of employees.
A press release issued by the NTA last week indicated that employees at its head office and vocational training centres went on strike last Tuesday after salary negotiations with the Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU) and the Namibia Teachers Union (NANTU) reached a deadlock.
Yesterday, however, a joint statement signed by NTA’s chief executive officer Jerry Beukes, general secretary of NANTU Basilius Haingura and general secretary of NAPWU Petrus Nevonga said an agreement was reached on Friday for a salary increase of 7.5 percent for all employees in the bargaining unit, effective from April 1, 2015.
An additional component to NTA’s total cost to company remuneration model is the agreed monthly transport allowance of N$510 for all employees in the bargaining unit, effective from October 1, 2015.
“The parties furthermore agreed to review the NTA’s total cost to company remuneration model before 1 April 2016,” reads the joined statement issued yesterday.