The second edition of the Okalongo circuit tournament is set to be held from Friday to Sunday at Lukas Dama Primary School in the Onandjaba settlement of Okalongo town.
Tournament organiser Vaino Shimutwikeni in an interview with Nampa on Wednesday said the football and netball tournament is being organised by the Directorate of Education’s Okalongo circuit.
The circuit has put aside N$23 000 for hosting the tournament and awarding prizes. The primary purpose of the tournament is to bring teachers and the corporate world together to share experiences as well as ideas on their various working professions and environment to contribute towards progress within the educational sector.
Shimutwikeni said teachers will be able to engage one another on various educational aspects, share knowledge, skills and be able to know each other better for future educational assistance as part of team-building in line with ministerial policies.
He noted that the tournament is open for players from various education circuits.
However, there will be a verification process of national identity as well
as proof of employment for the organisation that players will be representing.
Okalongo circuit is one of the most populated circuits in the Omusati region, with a population of 13 800 pupils in 26 schools. – Nampa