
Omusati police to collect N$1, 7 million from traffic fines executed during festive season

Home National Omusati police to collect N$1, 7 million from traffic fines executed during festive season

WINDHOEK – The Omusati regional Police are urging parents who give their vehicle to unlicensed children to refrain from doing so because it is unlawful – otherwise, they can face the law.

Chief Inspector Immanuel Angula, the Head of the Traffic Department in the Omusati region during a telephonic interview with New Era on Tuesday this week, said summons of unlicensed drivers are topping the list during the festive season.
Angula said that the main challenge that the traffic officials mostly encountered during the festive season was parents giving vehicle to the children who are also sometimes under age and are not authorised to drive on the public road.

The head of department further stated that the department will embark upon public education to sensitise the parents to desist from such practices.

“We will be educating parents so that such practices will no longer happen, because it is an offence to give your vehicle to and unlicensed driver, and it is punishable by the law,” Angula emphasised.
The Chief of Traffic further explained that the region has recorded about 599 summons during the 2018 festive season, compared to the 378 summons issued in 2017.

According to Angula, the summons are traffic fines issued to the motorists who violated the traffic law and regulations – for driving without licenses, which he says is topping the list in the region, and measures will be carried out to make sure it reduces this year during the festive season.

Angula elaborated that the 599 summons amounted N$1, 2 million, while the 378 summons amounted to about N$ 500 000.
During the 2017 festive season, 32 drivers were arrested for drinking and driving, and two drivers for traffic offences. The warrants arrest executed during that period were 24. However, in 2018, only five drivers were arrested for drinking and driving; 11 were arrested for other traffic offenses that Angula did not specify, whereas 24 warrants of arrest were executed.