
Ongwediva, Okakarara partner for development

Home National Ongwediva, Okakarara partner for development
Ongwediva, Okakarara partner for development

ONGWEDIVA – The Ongwediva Town Council has signed a partnership and cooperation agreement with Okakarara Town Council. 

According to Ongwediva mayor, Taarah Shalyefu, the agreement’s main aims is to share ideas and experiences, learn from one another for technical expertise. “This partnership and cooperation will further foster and promote the friendly relation between the two towns. Strengthening the existing bonds of friendship,’’ said Shalyefu. 

The agreement outlined three main objectives of cultural and heritage trails, capacity building, and local economy development and tourism. 

Shalyefu noted both councils will be conducting cultural exchange visits to see and learn from communities within both towns. Capacity building will look at practical training and job training opportunities. Local economy development will deal with small and medium enterprises development, how Ongwediva Town Council helps SMEs, how the town conducts trade and exhibition fares and provide investment opportunities. 

“Okakarara wants to learn from Ongwediva. They want to learn how to deal with finance management and how to conduct town planning management,” said Shalyefu. 

The twinning agreement will develop partnership and co-operation through the exchange of information and the setting up of a co-operation programme. It will also facilitate the establishment of joint co-operation between the business communities of the respective local authorities. The agreement could be extended to other areas, to be decided by both parties, for the benefit of their respective subjects. 

“Both par ties have acquainted themselves of the needs, challenges, strengths, and opportunities of the two respective local authorities,” said Shalyefu.