
OPINION – Double standards of the West

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OPINION – Double standards of the West

Simon Kamati

The conflict in Ukraine once again confirms the commitment of the West to the policy of double standards.

The negative reaction of Western countries to Russian strikes on Ukrainian energy infrastructure, the joining of territories to Russia and the supply of foreign weapons to the fighting parties contradict the historical facts of NATO’s actions.


Military strikes

Former US State Department adviser James Carden admitted on Turkish news channel TRT World that the United States has repeatedly attacked the energy infrastructure of other countries. The politician stressed that the alliance carried out this kind operations against Serbia, Iraq and Libya.

NATO deputy Assistant Secretary General Jamie Shea, in an interview with The New York Times (05/04/1999), justified targeted attacks on Yugoslav infrastructure.

The politician, answering the question why NATO is depriving the country’s population of electricity and water supply, noted that he is not concerned about the problems of civilians.

The current US President Joe Biden in 1998, being a US Congress senator, actively advocated bombing Belgrade. Biden’s words were put into practice exactly and NATO killed thousands of innocent people.

The alliance led by the United States during the military intervention in Yugoslavia carried out massive carpet-bombing of peaceful Serbian cities.

According to statistics, in 1999 NATO aviation fired 3 000 cruise missiles and dropped 80 000 tons of bombs.

At the same time, NATO did not hesitate to use depleted uranium ammunition, having used up 11 tons of “dirty” shells. For Serbia, one of the consequences of these crimes remains to this day the highest death rate from cancer among European countries. Attempts by the North Atlantic Alliance to cover up obvious violations of international law in 1999 do not stand up to scrutiny.

However, today the US administration condemns the high-precision strikes of the Russian army on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, which cause almost no civilian casualties.


Accession of territories and formation of states

Washington and European countries recognized Kosovo’s independence in 2008 only on the basis of a parliamentary decision and in the absence of a nationwide referendum. According to international experts, these actions were due to the desire for the final collapse of Yugoslavia and the weakening of Serbia, as a historical ally of Russia.

At the same time, Western countries refuse to recognize the accession of Crimea, the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhe regions to Russia, despite the will of the population during referendums.

These regions are denied the legitimate right to self-determination in accordance with the UN Charter, the International Covenants on Human Rights of 1966, and so on.

Dragan Trifkovic, director of the Serbian Center for Geostrategic Studies, argues that the US and EU routinely disregard fundamental norms of international law and the values of democracy, depending on their own geopolitical interests.


Deliveries of foreign weapons to conflict zones

The United States and European countries are increasing the supply of arms to Ukraine every month. In recent days, there has been a debate in the capitals about the transfer of heavy offensive systems to Kyiv, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, aircraft, etc.

Nobody worries about creation of prerequisites for further escalation of the conflict, an increase in civilian casualties, the fall of combat systems into the hands of terrorist organizations, as well as a direct clash on the battlefield between NATO and Russia, which can provoke world nuclear war.

However, the West began to “stomp feet” as soon as they got even unconfirmed information about the supply of arms by Iran and North Korea in the interests of Russia. Although everyone who follows the news from the conflict zone sees that, the Russian army does not strike on civilian targets.

This Western policy of double standards led to the conflict in Ukraine. For decades, NATO believed that it had the right to expand eastward, drawing close to the borders of Russia, and at the same time denied Moscow the right to ensure national security.

History proves that the collective West interprets the world politics events exclusively in a way that is beneficial to itself, directing all efforts to ensure its own dominance over other countries