
Opinion – To all final year students

Home Youth Corner Opinion – To all final year students
Opinion –  To all final year students

October is that time of the year when universities head towards the ending of lectures and year-end exams have to commence. 

For final year students, this is one of the most critical times they can ever experience. There is joy, sadness and confusion among many. Joy comes when one realises that these are their last days of having to stress about assignments due, presentations and tests. To add on, knowing that you are going to be called a graduate come next year, gives you a different feeling. 

However, there is sadness in those who are carrying modules because you know that come next year, you are still going to attend Mr X’s class; you will hear his beautiful, loud voice and he will use you as an example to the others. You may have already made up good excuses for this but the pain of seeing others in gowns, taking beautiful pictures during the ceremony is gonna haunt you inside.

There comes confusion too. There are research projects still pending and without having it done, you won’t graduate. Continuous assessment marks are to be released and there are some of you who have missed one or two assessments, and worry whether you have accumulated enough marks to give you access to exams or not.

Lastly, there is a saying that goes “when the going gets tough, the tough gets going”. It’s all up to you to make the best choices for your life. There is room for improvement but it requires your energy and time. Do all it takes to get your studies done, even if that means going to bed late, miss parties, etc. I assure you all this will pay back one day. Remain calm and loyal. Graduation is a very wonderful day one gets to cry when they think of all the struggles they have endured. You all deserve to experience this feeling.

Can’t wait to see you all in gowns next year!

*Erastus Ihemba is a recent education graduate from the University of Namibia’s Rundu Campus