
Pastor Skrywer sends colleagues to hell… we’re going together – Kahungu

Home National Pastor Skrywer sends colleagues to hell… we’re going together – Kahungu
Pastor Skrywer sends colleagues to hell… we’re going together – Kahungu

Clergyman and politician Ivan Skrywer has directed his fellow Windhoek municipal councillors Fransina Kahungu and Ben Araeb to the nearest hell, in defence of Windhoek mayor Sade Gawanas. 

Details of the heated discussion are contained in a series of leaked WhatsApp messages between the Windhoek city councillors. 

The exchanges were confirmed by both Kahungu and Araeb. Skrywer’s phone went unanswered. 

Araeb serves on the municipal council on an Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) ticket, while Skrywer represents the orange party (Landless People’s Movement). 

Kahungu, who was seemingly caught in the crossfire, is a bona fide Swapo member.

The leaked discussions from a platform called ‘Office of the Mayor’ seemingly took a wrong turn when Araeb accused Gawanas of peddling lies over a purported investigation which was carried out into alleged corruption in the recruitment process that saw Roads Authority head Conrad Lutombi emerge victorious in the Windhoek CEO race. 

Lutombi’s ascendance to the city’s top post is now subject to ministerial approval. 

“You are the one saying the mayor lied here on this group. [You are an] old and bitter oupa [old man]. You are almost 60 and behaving like a little boy. [You have] no direction whatsoever,” Skrywer told Araeb. 

Branding Araeb useless, he continued: “Go to hell [you] old bitter character. It pains you that [a] young beautiful woman [Gawanas] is at that level while you are where you are”.

Responding to questions yesterday, Araeb was disappointed that Skrywer would stoop that low. 

The politician and former police officer was disappointed in Skrywer’s conduct, and for choosing political expediency over truth and service delivery. 

“Clearly, there is no common respect amongst councillors. That is all there is to say. Did I say anything to insult or belittle anybody? She [Gawanas] lied about the findings. There was no investigation. When was there an investigation? They must stop lying to the public,” Araeb charged. 

“If I lied, they must debunk it. If I said something that is a lie, come with the facts, instead of insulting me. My age has nothing to do with what I am saying. Unfortunately, this is what we are dealing with,” he continued. 

He said the former IPC-dominated management council was dislodged for opposing a corrupt or tainted process. 

“These are the questions the public must ask. How did they arrive at that? I was a police officer and a detective for 14 years. I know what an investigation is,” said Araeb. 

Below the belt

On her part, Kahungu was equally unimpressed by Skrywer, who also gave her marching orders to hell. She retorted “I will take you with me to hell”.

In the heated conversation, Kahungu advised both Skrywer and Araeb to focus on the bigger picture, as opposed to fighting over petty issues.  

“That is the low level of the leaders at the Windhoek municipal council. When you lose focus, you tend to attend to issues like that one. I am just disappointed when we demote ourselves to that level,” she stated. 

Recruitment process marred

The entire recruitment process for a CEO was marred by allegations of corruption, nepotism and favouritism.  

The spat follows urban minister Erastus Uutoni’s letter to Gawanas last week, wherein he demanded clarity on several issues regarding the hiring process of the CEO. 

It appears that Uutoni is not convinced that Lutombi’s appointment is beyond reproach. 

“In your letter to me dated 15 June 2022, you indicated that an investigation was to be carried out into alleged irregularities. Please share with me the outcome of the investigation carried out, and indicate how such has influenced the change of the position and current decision of council as communicated in your letter of 14 October 2020,” Uutoni wrote to Gawanas. 

The minister also wants to be furnished with a detailed investigation report. 

Three weeks ago, an evasive Gawanas poured cold water over the alleged irregularities, maintaining that the process was corruption-proof.

Without providing empirical evidence, she told journalists that an internal investigation was carried out. It found nothing sinister, she added.


