Campaign to rename Katutura gathers steam

Home Front Page News Campaign to rename Katutura gathers steam

Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK – A campaign by activists to rename Katutura – Windhoek’s historic symbol of forced removals
– is picking up intensity. According to Hendrich Amutenya, the name Katutura stems from residents living
in a place where people were forced to go in the 1960s. “It is long overdue that the name change happens to reflect the
independence Namibia gained on March 21, 1990,” stated Amutenya. “It is time for our own Namibian people to show pride and ownership of Katutura which has now blossomed into a beautiful township that reflects the spirit of community and togetherness,” expounded Amutenya.

He further stated that Katutura is a place where many Namibian heroes built the foundation towards making a free and
independent country. “The name must be changed to show respect and pride towards the many struggles and progress
of our people,” highlighted Amutenya. About the proposed new name ‘Ubuntura’, Amutenya  says, “Ubuntuism is an African philosophy which follows the principle of ‘I am because you are’.”

“I believe this is the essence and spirit in the township of Katutura and why I feel the name Ubuntura is appropriate
to represent this,” said Amutenya. “It also has the ending ‘-tura’ which makes it still easy to hold on to the feel of Katutura but now it has a positive connotation to it with the Ubuntu element,” clarified Amutenya.

Additionally, Amutenya alluded to the fact that with this being an election year, he feels this can make a positive contribution towards Namibian people as a symbolic victory and a sign that the Swapo ruling party is going
to give citizens a feeling of pride and confidence that they are the priority of the party.

Windhoek Mayor Muesee Kazapua was out of town to comment on the process and changing of names of suburbs in
his jurisdiction. The manager of mayoral and council affairs was also not available as he was on compassionate leave. The two are expected to be back in office on Monday. The office of the mayor did however confirm that they had
received a letter proposing the name change. “We are aware of the request for the name change of Katutura to Ubuntura.
A committee has to sit and deliberate on that and that can happen when the mayor and the manager for mayoral and council affairs are back from their trips,” said the mayor’s office through its secretary. Katutura is a township of Windhoek, Khomas Region, created in 1961 resulting from the forced removal of Windhoek’s black population from the Old
Location, which afterwards was developed into the suburb Hochland Park.