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Eenhana residents demand regular water supply

2021-01-27  Nuusita Ashipala

Eenhana residents demand regular water supply

The residents of Elamba informal settlement in Eenhana are up in arms after the council cut off their water connection last week Thursday due to non-payment. 

The residents argue the council is putting them at risk of contracting Covid-19.
Handwashing with soap is considered as one of the best defences against the virus.
The council last week started disconnecting water of residents who owe over N$500.
Speaking to New Era over the weekend, the residents said although they are aware that they have not settled their water bills, cutting off supply at this time of the pandemic was not a good move.

They are thus pleading with the local authority to reverse its decision.
“How do we exercise hygiene as preached by the health ministry if we do not have water,” queried one resident who only identified herself as Maria.

She argued many of the residents there are low-income earners and young entrepreneurs whose businesses have also been negatively impacted by the pandemic.

“It is not that we do not want to pay, we are just struggling,” Maria said further.
As a result of the lack of water, the Elamba residents reverted to harvesting rainwater for their survival. 
However, the practice is no longer viable as it does not rain daily.

In response, the Eenhana Town Council CEO Gabriel Benjamin said the council is aware of the situation and the decision to disconnect water was taken as a means to encourage residents to honour their water dues timely so that council can in return also pay the water utility, NamWater.

Benjamin said council has disconnected water to households whose accounts have not been settled for two or more months.
The CEO said the council is cognisant that water is a key element in the fight against Covid-19 thus encourage residents to pay their water in order to have water at their disposal in order to fight the further spread of the virus.

Equally, Benjamin informed residents that free water supply due to Covid-19 ended when the state of emergency was lifted last year.
“After the state of emergency ended, all terms and conditions regarding water supply became normal in which residents are expected to pay their municipal water accounts in order to avoid inconveniences,” said Benjamin.

2021-01-27  Nuusita Ashipala

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