Nganate optimistic about Eiseb Block’s future

Home National Nganate optimistic about Eiseb Block’s future

Kuzeeko Tjitemisa

Omaheke governor Pijoo Nganate says he is optimistic Eiseb Block settlement in Omaheke region will soon become a constituency on its own as per the wishes and aspirations of the local residents. 

Nganate made remarks at Eiseb Block 10 over the weekend while speaking at the 27th commemoration of Namibian returnees who in 1993 returned from Botswana and resettled at Eiseb Block. “Next year marks the 10th year of review for the delimitation of the constituencies and regions of our country and if we have strong convincing arguments, we may succeed in having the Eiseb constituency as a separate constituency from Otjombinde,” the governor told those in attendance.

Residents of Eiseb have been fighting over the years to detach Eiseb Block from the Otjombinde constituency, citing that the area was large and at many a time they do not benefit from development.

They say the development was centred around Tallismanus, which is the constituency capital some 140 kilometres away.
Eiseb Block 10 is situated about 380km from Gobabis and is an exit point to Gam and Botswana. 
The block is home to thousands of Namibian returnees who in 1993 returned from Botswana
Nganate said in his opinion, the commemoration of days like this must be done at the national level.

“If we do so such days will undoubtedly contribute towards nationhood and therefore the importance to have them publicly recognised at government level and that must be our collective responsibility to strive for such,” Nganate said.

Nganate further urged the Ovambanderu Chief Kilus Munjuku III Nguvauva to embark on a journey – in collaboration with his counterparts in Botswana – to repatriate more Namibians from the neighbouring country.

“Chief Munjuku Nguvauva, the government of Namibia heard your cry, President Hage Geingob is not only talking to the rest of other Namibians when he is saying ‘we heard you’ but is also talking to the people of Eiseb,” Nganate said.
“As the representative of the President and central government, I am echoing those very same words to you and to the people of Eiseb that your outcry was loud and clear.”

He said the government will continue to strive towards strengthening its beautiful relationship with the local traditional authority and community.
“During my visit to your palace, I bemoaned the fact that your offices are not build and a tender is to be allocated for the first phase of that construction,” Nganate said.

“Again, like so many times in the past, we will see to that the Ovambanderu people will have an office space that befits your status and contribution towards the wellbeing of this beautiful country of ours.” –