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Young teacher opens academy for Grade 10s and 12s

2019-03-20  Staff Reporter

Young teacher opens academy for Grade 10s and 12s

Aletta Shikololo

WINDHOEK – A youthful teacher and a motivational speaker from Omafa village in the Omusati Region has opened a private school with the aim of making a dent in the high unemployment rate while pursuing his passion for teaching. 

Isack Awala, the founder of VGS Educational Academy, said the school which opened its doors to the public last year offers private tutorials to learners who want to improve their Grade 10 and 12 results. 

 “I started my own school called VGS Educational Academy that offers private tutorials to learners who want to improve their Grade 10 and 12 results because I have a passion for teaching and I always wanted to make a change in somebody’s life,” the 26-year old Awala related.

Awala has a degree in English and applied linguistics from the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust), a diploma in education from the Institute for Open Learning (IOL) and has two years of teaching experience.
“I teach English and social science subjects, mainly history, geography and development studies and I have hired qualified teachers that teach science subjects such as mathematics, physical science and biology,” shared Awala.
Awala says his mission is to register the VGS Educational Academy with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture for learners to register their subjects and attend tutorials at VGS Academy. 
In the meantime, learners who are taught at the academy are those registered with Namcol at its two branches located in Oshikuku and Okalongo. 

Awala describes himself as a hardworking and determined man who believes in changing the lives of people socially and academically.

“So far I don’t have any sponsor, I have worked hard to get my start-up capital, but I am currently applying for sponsorships. I hope to get a sponsor by next year,” Awala said.
He believes that challenges are part of everyone’s life and people should always expect to encounter setbacks in everything they do.

He also shared that it was not a walk in the park starting the school but he refused to give up on his dream.  “When I told my friends and some relatives about my dream to start a school, they laughed at me and they asked who would be willing to attend lessons at my school. I faced a lot of challenges that I expected and some that I could never imagine. I have endured the scarcity of start-up capital and suffered so hard to get the proper buildings for rent,” related Awala. 
In the face of adversity, Awala saw his dream become reality and this was thanks to some relatives who financially contributed to establishing VGS academy. 

Furthermore, Awala is impressed with the commitment from his learners and the dedication of the teachers and he believes that with them, VGS Educational Academy has a bright future. 

Speaking to Frans Moses a Grade 12 learner that is improving his English subject at VGS Educational Academy, he said: “I am really happy for Sir Awala, he is one of my best teachers ever. He doesn’t only teach, he motivates us as well, to be the best versions of ourselves and also guides us with our future careers. I used to struggle with English, especially grammar and essay writing, but now I am really good at it and I can’t wait to go to Nust next year.”

“When I failed Grade 12 I almost gave up on my studies and I was told to register with Namcol and improve my English and history subjects at VGS academy. I am glad I met Mr Awala, he made me understand things that I didn’t understand when I was in Grade 12. He explains so well and I believe that I will make it this year,” said Petrina Haikela who is improving some subjects at VGS academy.

Awala encourages the youth to fight for their future. “Demand the best from yourself before you blame the government. Things that are worth doing do not come easily and the more righteous you fight, the more you get opposed. You have to go forth into the world and turn your hopes and dreams into action. Dream big and never give up.”

2019-03-20  Staff Reporter

Tags: Khomas
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