Pupkewitz Megabuild and Kaap Agri Namibia to charge fee for plastic bags

Home National Pupkewitz Megabuild and Kaap Agri Namibia to charge fee for plastic bags

Maihapa Ndjavera

WINDHOEK – Two Namibian companies, Pupkewitz Megabuild and Kaap Agri Namibia, are encouraging the responsible use of plastic shopping bags by introducing a fee for the bags.

At an event held yesterday, Marcel Lamprecht, Managing Director of Pupkewitz Megabuild, revealed that this plastic bag fee will start at all stores nation-wide from December 14. Customers will have to pay a fee of N$0.50 per plastic bag. The overall objective of the fee introduction is to positively impact the environment and encourage the responsible use of these items by promoting the deliberate reuse of plastic shopping bags.

As responsible corporate citizens, according to Lamprecht, the company takes its social responsibility towards Namibia very seriously. Part of this responsibility is the commitment to the sustainability of the environment and its ecosystem.

As a retailer of a wide range of products, Lamprecht feels that it is part of their service and customer experience to offer convenience to shoppers. In the Namibian retail sector this usually means that a huge amount of plastic shopping bags are being offered to customers on a daily basis. The use of plastics has become popular and the fact that they are given at no cost, has amplified the rate the plastics are used. Most concerning is the amount of plastic bags being discarded and left to litter and contaminate the environment. Plastic bags pollute the soil and water, are harmful to wildlife and marine life, and contribute to climate change. Thus, they are harmful to human health.

Delivering the keynote address at the event was Minister of Environment and Tourism Pohamba Shifeta, who thanked the companies and their leadership for the collaboration on implementation of this initiative. Shifeta said he was proud to see a Namibian company promoting use of alternative resources and protection of the environment. “This is a commendable initiative and not to punish anybody but to encourage responsible management of our waste,” said Shifeta who urged other businesses to follow suit. 

The minister continued that last week he banned the usage of plastic bags in all protected areas like national parks and noted that regulations for a levy on all plastic bags can be expected soon. He further gave notice to plastic manufactures to move to alternative products that are environmental friendly.