
Single quarters residents upset with noise

Home Archived Single quarters residents upset with noise

WINDHOEK – Residents of the single quarters area in Katutura say that they are fed up with some bar owners in the area whom they accuse of operating until the wee hours of the morning, causing noise and health hazards in the community.


In a petition dated September 30, addressed to the Windhoek Municipality, the Namibian Police, the City Police and also copied to Municipal Councillor Benestus Kandundu, the residents complained that they have sleepless nights due to persistent noise until late, that their children have difficulty studying and even though there are many elderly pensioners in the area some of the bar owners are not bothered.


One of the petitioners, who did not want his name mentioned said that residents who live in close proximity to these bars have to step on faeces and urine as uncouth bar customers leave their excrement anywhere on the street or in people’s yards.


According to the petition, bar-hoppers park their cars anywhere and even bump into residents’ yards as there is no parking provision made by the bar owners.

Another resident who also did not want her name mentioned, said that her bedroom window was broken with a stone by people fighting late at night, but she could not do anything about it as she was afraid to go out. “After 19h00, people are afraid to go out,” she complained, saying that the problem has been going on for three years now.


The petition further reads that there have been many incidents of housebreaking, cellphone and handbag mugging besides the loud noise. “We feel very insecure. You can hear bottles breaking, gunshots and stones being thrown at night,” said another resident.


He said that he hoped that once the petition reaches the CEO Niilo Taapopi, the bar owners would be enforced to close at the specified time at 22h00 during the week and 24h00 over weekends.

“We want cooperation. We don’t want them to close permanently because we understand that it could be their only means of livelihood,” he added, saying that they just do not want business people misusing their authority.


The aggrieved resident heaped praise on Kandundu, saying that since they addressed their concerns to him, he has been very helpful and has also explained to the residents what is expected of them. On his part, Kandundu said that he received the petition and was going to forward it to Taapopi and the entire council for consideration.


By Magreth Nunuhe