
Teens’ experiment ends in tragedy

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Teens’ experiment ends in tragedy

A 17-year-old Windhoek High School learner lost his life on Saturday after sustaining injuries as a result of an experiment with a BB gun.

A police report states that on Saturday 14 January 2023, at around 19h00, at Hochland Park, Benn Visser was hit by a (ball-bearing) BB gun gas cylinder on the chest and died on his way to the hospital.

“The deceased and his 17-year-old friend were allegedly experimenting, which produced a non-violent explosion and the cylinder to move along the washing line while burning. However, it is alleged the last experiment did not go as usual,” stated the report.

When they lit the cylinder, it produced an explosion that hit the victim on his right finger, broke the finger and hit him in the chest, causing his death. 

His friend was also hit on the top left eye and sustained slight injuries. 

Windhoek High School issued a statement on social media yesterday, sharing the devastating news.

“We are devastated and broken at the loss of the grade 11 student Benn Visser. Benn and his friend, Daniël, made an experimental bomb that went haywire. Daniël had a minor blow to the head, but Benn, after having been resuscitated by the paramedics, passed away at the hospital,” said the school, adding that Visser was a beautiful, God-loving boy, bursting with potential.

Police spokesperson Kauna Shikwambi yesterday told New Era that parents should be extra careful, especially knowing that boys and children, in general, are inquisitive.

“They want to explore and do things. We are cautioning them to be careful and urge them to always supervise their children,” said Shikwambi.

Shikwambi said: “This should teach us a lesson as parents that we need to be mindful of what we do in the view of our children and try by all means to deter them from doing such experiments”.

Several cases have been reported worldwide of children dying after being shot with BB guns.

A BB gun is a type of air gun, designed to shoot metallic spherical projectiles, called BB. They are usually nonpowdered, but they can be extremely dangerous when they are not used correctly.