
Tragedy as toddlers suffocate to death 

Home National Tragedy as toddlers suffocate to death 

John Muyamba

RUNDU – Kavango East regional governor Bonifatius Wakudumo has urged parents to always be on their guard about their children’s whereabouats after three toddlers suffocated to death in a stationary vehicle at Rundu on Heroes Day. 

The children had accidentally locked themselves in one of the cars in the neighbourhood on Wednesday afternoon while their parents were home. The car was parked in a residential garage at Kehemu. The children were aged two and one.  “I am really moved by that sad news; it is really shocking. I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the bereaved family. May the good Lord console them. I know, as parents, they are going through so much pain,” Wakudumo said. The governor urged all parents to always be on alert about their little ones’ movements and ensure they are safe where they are playing. “With kids, you must always look out for them, as they are not aware of the danger surrounding them; they just want to play,” he added. 

The children allegedly went in the neighbour’s yard and were playing in one of the cars at the home-operated garage, where there are a number of cars parked. 
“They always play here, as they are our neighbours. When I saw them playing in one of the cars, I sent them home, as I thought they could get injured; there where many car parts that could injure them and I took them to their house where their parents were,” said Cecilia Mberema, who lives at the house where the catastrophic event occurred. 

“I didn’t notice that they came back; I was busy in the house and no one noticed that they came back. Now, after more than an hour, their parents started to look for them. We traced their footsteps, and they led to one vehicle. There, we found their lifeless bodies.” 
– jmuyamba@nepc.com.na