Treasurer happy with SADC PF contributions

Home National Treasurer happy with SADC PF contributions
Treasurer happy with SADC PF contributions

Moses Magadza


MALAWI – With a total membership of 15, and an annual mandatory contribution of N$1.5 million per annum per parliament, the SADC Parliamentary Forum realised a total of over N$21 million from mandatory contributions for the financial year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

This was explained in a financial report presented to the 51st Plenary Assembly of the SADC PF held in Lilongwe, Malawi on 12 July 2022, in which Treasurer Darren Bergman from South Africa recommended that the Assembly considers the status of annual mandatory contributions as at 31 March 2022 and 30 June 2022. Additionally, the Treasurer enjoined the Plenary, which is the highest decision-making body, to commend Member States for their dedication to SADC PF, as evidenced by their continued contributions, despite ailing economies due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He also recommended that the assembly encourages those parliaments with outstanding balances to settle them as a matter of priority. According to Bergman, the policy was a result of lessons from the successful virtual 47th and 48th Plenary Assembly Sessions, as well as other meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.  Although N$2.1 million was budgeted, total expenditure incurred for the 49th Plenary Assembly was N$431,244, while that of the 50th Plenary Assembly was N$986 609, resulting in total expenditure of N$1.4 million. Savings realised amounted to N$746 746 (35%). The Plenary was also informed of emerging new costs resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, and their implications on the budget. 

“With the resumption of face-to-face meetings, new cost items were incurred, such as Covid-19 tests for invited participants, both for travel purposes, and to manage possible infections during the meetings,” Bergman said, adding that provisions for medical facilities, masks and sanitising as well as social distancing were made.  It was also necessary to facilitate participation by virtual means for delegates who were not able to travel, resulting in hybrid meeting arrangements, which was an extra conferencing cost.  Total income as at 31 March 2022 amounted to N$22.2 million, with the bulk of N$21 148 050 coming from annual mandatory contributions. This excludes donor funding. According to the report, interest received from the Investment Account amounted to N$162 477, while sundries came to N$898 882. 

The Total Budgeted Expenditure for the financial year, less donor funds budgeted expenditure, was N$19 944 511, resulting in a budgeted surplus of N$1 661 227 (N$21 605 738 minus N$19 944 511).

“Total Actual Expenditure at 31st March 2022 was N$18 406 115, representing 92% of the total budgeted expenditure for the year (92% of N$19 944 511), leaving a balance of N$1 538 396 (8%),” the report stated.

“Unlike for Standing Committee meetings, where some costs are borne by co-operating partners, all EXCO meeting costs were funded from the SADC PF main budget,” said the Treasurer. He said costs of interpretation and translation of documents had been very high, with about N$385 409 spent on language costs for EXCO meetings alone. 

The Secretariat employed various ICT-based solutions such as virtual consultations, electronic surveys and electronic trackers for electoral reforms, which enabled parliaments to effectively participate virtually. 

The Treasurer urged the Plenary Assembly to take note of the funding from external sources, and relay appreciation to the cooperating partners for their continued support to SADC PF. He also urged the Assembly to appreciate the Secretariat for the successful resource mobilisation.

The Treasurer’s report was unanimously adopted, with Members appreciating its detail and quality.