/Uirab lobbies for Swakop-Walvis expos merger

Home National /Uirab lobbies for Swakop-Walvis expos merger

Eveline de Klerk

Walvis Bay-Namport CEO Bisey /Uirab has appealed to organisers and investors in the Namport Business and Tourism Expo (NBTE) as well as the Swakopmund Investors Trade Expo (Swaitex) to explore the possibility of merging the two biggest events in the region for greater impact and success.

/Uirab was speaking at the 11th official launch of the Namport Erongo Trade Expo held on Thursday at the ports authority, which Namport sponsored to the tune of N$500,000.

Backed by the Governor of Erongo Region, Cleophas Mutjavikua, /Uirab said that Namport as the biggest sponsor of the NBTE fully supports the idea as it would yield more results.

“The same sponsors of the NBTE also sponsor Swaitex, while both expositions are hosted with one goal in mind, which is to showcase products and attract potential investors, both local and international,” /Uirab said.
/Uirab also explained that he has witnessed a recent trend in the country pertaining to trade fairs and exhibitions.

“One of the major shortcomings I detected is the high-level fragmentation among our towns in hosting such events. Each city or town is hosting its own expo or trade fair even when they are in close proximity of each other,” he said.

Referring to Walvis Bay and Swakopmund, /Uirab said that those involved in organising the event should really consider merging.

“If we have to grow our regional economies and ultimately that of our country, I believe there is an urgent need to address such disconnect. Merging of the two expos along the coast has the potential to accelerate inclusive regional economic growth where value of indigenous participation and sectoral linkages will be eminent, as well as greatly improve the well-being of our citizens of this region,” /Uirab said.

He added that the time has come to do things differently, by completely utilising the platforms such as expos to see a much bigger impact, thereby creating trade investment with a view to promoting greater integration and synergy between towns and various sectors, all with the aim to ultimately boost Namibia’s economic and social development.