
Unam Art Society transforms campus with vibrant creativity and talent

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Unam Art Society transforms campus with vibrant creativity and talent

The Unam Art Society has emerged as a conduit of creativity, providing a platform for students to explore their artistic passions and showcase their talents. 

The art society’s passionate and dedicated president, Tendai Nesongano, said since itsestablishment just a year ago, the art society has made significant strides in bringing art back to the heart of the main campus in Windhoek. 

With over 100 members, the art society has grown into a thriving community where individuals can find solace in their academic pursuits and unleash their creative potential.

Nesongano enthusiastically shared the society’s mission, emphasising its inclusive nature, stating, “The society was created for all students who love art, those who want to do art and even those already part of the industry. It’s a place where you can take a breather and relax from all the school work, a stress reliever from all those books and just have fun”. The art society aims to foster a sense of camaraderie and family among its members while nurturing their artistic abilities.

While the art society primarily focuses on various forms of art, such as singing, poetry, dancing and visual arts, it also aims to expand its offerings to include drama in the near future. 

Meeting at different venues on campus, but mainly the gymnasium hall, the goal of the gatherings is to provide a space where students from all artistic backgrounds can come together, collaborate and explore different mediums, styles and themes.

She expressed the art society’s commitment to fostering creativity and artistic expression. 

The art society organises workshops, exhibitions and collaborative projects to encourage members to unleash their creative prowess.  They believe in the power of engaging with the community, and their members have already been involved in various events, including performances at the gay pride expo and collaborations with the university’s radio station.

“We want our members to gain not only artistic skills but also a sense of belonging and confidence,” Nesongano shared.

“Through our activities and events, we aim to expose them to the art community, networking opportunities and even professional development experiences.” 

Diana Kashokulu, who has been an active member of the art society since last year, told Youth Corner  the society has and continues to impact her in many ways. 

“I am a law student, so I use the art society as an escape from the academic stress I face. It is therapeutic to be part of a social group and socialise with different people and witness their mesmerising talents and gifts. Moreover, I’m a sucker for art. I love how different people can come together and use their creativity to birth a masterpiece that is both eye-catching and phenomenal.”

Industrial psychology student Petrus Shivute said: “All my life I always loved poems and lyrics. I like reflecting on riddles and parables, and just didn’t know where to apply this knowledge – and luckily I found the art society. It really initiated a lot of this wisdom and gave me the confidence back to speak in public. The society takes me out of my comfort zone every time”.

Despite being a relatively new society on campus, the art society has already made a significant impact. 

Nesongano highlighted the tremendous turnout at their opening ceremony last year, where over 100 students filled the gym hall. 

The event featured awe-inspiring performances, including rappers, singers and even a magician, captivating the audience and showcasing the incredible talent within the university. Looking ahead, the art society has ambitious plans. 

Nesongano revealed they are working diligently to organise a colour festival, a poetry night, a lip sync battle and even the creation of an art society T-shirt. They hope these events will further engage and captivate the student body while creating memorable experiences that celebrate artistic expression.

As the art society continues to grow, Nesongano expressed their desire to establish stronger connections with students who are not yet part of the art society. They aim to host open events, exhibitions and recruitment drives, enabling those outside the art society to witness the incredible work their members produce and encouraging them to get involved. 

– vamutenya9@gmail.com