
Verifications blamed for delayed census payment

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Verifications blamed for delayed census payment

Many enumerators of the recently-completed population and housing census are still fighting for their unpaid salaries. 

The mostly youthful, concerned census workers, who participated in the overdue 2023 National Population and Housing Census, have taken to social media platforms to complain about the salary wait. 

The census exercise ran from 18 September until 3 November 2023.

Briefing the media on the issue last week, statistician general of the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) Alex Shimuafeni said the agency is aware of the delay of the salary portion of the enumerators that was supposed to have been paid on 31 October 2023.

“The delay is due to the fact that we are busy with multiple verifications that include verification of each and every tablet that was used by each of the 13 000 enumerators, as well as other gadgets,” he stated.

Shimuafeni added NSA is also verifying disciplinary matters to avoid the duplication of payments. 

The NSA chief further noted the payment process has commenced, with the first batch of payments to be made this week. 

“We are also working on how we can fast-track the payment process and improve these processes going forward,” informed Shimuafeni.

Commenting on the delay via social media, enumerator Betty Iyaalo stated, “I think NSA has breached the contract. A big company that is just doing things that are not transparent. NSA will pay you today – and for the next payment claim, they are verifying your documents. Are we not being paid by the same system? Every time there is an extension, you must hand in new documents. Really? They already made us suffer in the field, using our petrol and our private cars, which are unpaid just to make sure that we complete their work. I am personally disappointed by this NSA, and I regret working with them”. 

Another concerned enumerator, Sisco Shuudeni, said: “Now, some of us are really about to lose our rooms. It is very heartbreaking to sign a contract and to receive portions of the amount. Again, the salary is not on time, guys. Have mercy on us”. – mndjavera@nepc.com.na