
VIBEZ!-Creating a meaningful impact

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VIBEZ!-Creating a  meaningful impact

Driving beauty… Miss Namibia 2023 Jameela Uiras is the owner of a brand-new car following her crowning on 8 July 2023 at the MTC Dome in Swakopmund. She took ownership of a Toyota Starlet valued at N$250 000 on Tuesday, and unlike other previous Miss Namibia holders, she will not have to return the car after her reign. She also received cash of N$ 107 000, a monthly allowance of N$2 500, medical aid for a year, a cell phone valued at N$27 899, and other non-cash items worth N$428 749. Uiras’ two princesses also received their prizes, as well as Miss Teen Namibia 2023 Oriana Ribeiro and her princesses. 

– Photo: NBC