
Zambezi police applaud residents for good behaviour during Geingob burial

Home National Zambezi police applaud residents for good behaviour during Geingob burial
Zambezi police applaud residents for good behaviour during Geingob burial

Zambezi police chief Andreas Shilelo has commended the residents of the region for displaying respectful and polite behaviour during the burial procession of president Hage Geingob. 

“I really thank the people of Zambezi for their calmness. They grieved with the whole nation. The mood was really that of people who have hearts, and we’re touched,” he acknowledged.

President Geingob passed away on 4 February, and was laid to rest on Sunday at Heroes’ Acre on the outskirts of Windhoek.

Shilelo said the police did not receive reports of any commotion during the burial period leading to the Monday public holiday, which concluded the national mourning period for the late president.

“The residents were very calm. There were places where communities flocked to sit and watch TV. They connected to Windhoek, where they were watching live, as if they were there. We didn’t get any commotion or concern which we can say are misunderstandings. They showed deep emotions that they were touched by the death of the president,” he observed.

Shilelo then thanked bar and shebeen owners in the region for closing their outlets during the burial ceremony in honour and respect of the late Geingob.

“Some bars who have operating liquor licences to operate even during public holidays had a great agreement not to open on Sunday until the burial was done,” he reported.

After the burial, various residents gathered either in their houses or the townhall, and many went to park their cars under the trees before going home to escape the scorching heat experienced in the Zambezi region over the past two weeks. 

– anakale@nepc.com.na