Lüderitz Open Chess tourney massive success …mind games capture the imagination Buchters 

Home National Lüderitz Open Chess tourney massive success …mind games capture the imagination Buchters 

Lüderitz – The Lüderitz Public Library in conjunction with the Namibian Chess Federation hosted the Lüderitz Open Chess Tournament last weekend.

Learners from the old-fashioned coastal town’s Lüderitz Public Library After School Chess Club teamed up with a quartet of learners from the Tutaleni Chess Club and five others from St Matias School in Keetmanshoop – grilling each other in day of long mind games.

Tutaleni Hamupolo, 23, made full use of home ground advantage as he won the tourney hands down with a perfect score line of seven wins out of the same number of ties. 

One of the Lüderitz Open Chess Tournament organisers, Peace Corps volunteer Spencer Gardner, applauded Namibia Chess Federation representative Rowan Van Wyk for making the championship possible and making it a success successful gathering.

The first junior chess tournament in that neck of the woods was staged on the 15th of this month that saw Paulus Mnywambele claim top honours to be crowned champion.

The Lüderitz Public Library, in collaboration with Gardner, have been offering after-school chess club classes since March this year at the town’s public library for all learners from local schools free of charge twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) between 15h00 and 17h00.

Lüderitz public librarian Beverley Van Wyk urged would-be participants to take up chess, adding that the club is open for all, including learners who have never played chess before.