
Hand in glove with agile political activist cum-goalie Gruzi Goseb

Home Sports Hand in glove with agile political activist cum-goalie Gruzi Goseb

Former Sorento Bucks and African Stars Football Clubs’ agile goalie, one Gruzi Goseb, will go down in history as one of the greatest shot stoppers the country has ever unearthed.

The light skinned net guard made his name with ambitious Katutura giant killers Sorento Bucks Football Club during the dawn of Namibia’s democracy in the early 90’s. He formed the spine of the invincible “Japhet Hellao Babes” in a star studded squad that had in their gallery exciting midfielders Botstotos Nanub, Axab Gowaseb, Wagga Goagoseb, lethal strikers Pablo Wermann, Rocky Jagger and nonsense defenders Miga Xoagub, Esau Afrikaner and Congo Thaniseb.

The now defunct black and white strip outfit will be best remembered for their exciting brand of free flowing football that won them many admirers.
New Era Sport caught up with the political activist turned footballer as he relives his amazing football journey.


KARIBIB – From humble beginnings on the dusty fields of the revered Cornelius Goreseb High School in Khorixas in the vastly populated Kunene region, Gruzi was more of an academic icon than a footballer.
He started out as a goalkeeper for the school’ senior football team where he kept goals before moving to the city of bright lights {Windhoek} to further his academic aspirations at the University of Namibia, where he read towards a Butchered Arts Psychology degree.

He established himself as the finest net guard for the college football team and later joined forces with ambitious Katutura outfit Sorento Bucks Football Club under the guidance of local business mogul Japhet “Bump Jive” Hellao. 

The latter was himself a noted shot stopper in his heyday for his native land and Katutura giants Orlando Pirates Football Club during the Apartheid era.

In no time, Gruzi, dislodged regular shot stoppers Tombo Tsamaseb and the late Ewert “Nene” Beukes, making the number one jersey his own property.   

His arrival at the ambitious giant killers coincided with the club’s sudden upsurge in the top echelons of domestic football. Sorento Bucks would go on and claim the scalps of the so called Katutura big four in major knockout cup tournaments at regular intervals.

The most historic victory was recorded against the mighty Black Africa football Club in the final of the Metropolitan Cup at the packed to rafters Katutura field in 1992. 

As the old saying goes, good things come to an end, Sorento Bucks mysteriously folded after a players revolt that saw the crème de la crème of the club’s top players vacate the ship.

And while some of his celebrated teammates joined forces with Black Africa and Orlando Pirates football clubs respectively, Gruzi and tough as steak defender Miga Xoagub, as well as midfield general Wagga Goagoseb resurfaced at Katutura glamour football club African Stars. The trio were to enjoy unsurpassed success with the red hot “Starlile” – winning several silverware during their spell with the Reds. 

Having won almost everything there was to be won in domestic football, Gruzi finally packed his togs for good and retreated to his native Erongo region. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Usakos.
He also taught as a fully fledged schoolteacher at the Dibasen Junior Secondary School in Okombahe, alongside Samuel Uiseb, Zino Xoagub, Martin Matsuib, Alexander Nanub, Daniel Gonteb, Ewaldt Gauiseb, Daniel Dausab and many other notable educators.