Matheus Hamutenya
The Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry John Mutorwa says stakeholders must work as a team to ensure the successful completion of the multi-billion dollar Neckartal dam project in //Kharas Region.
Work on the N$2.4 billion dam is nearing completion, despite challenges such as cash-flow and workers’ strikes that have slowed progress.
Mutorwa called on everyone to do their part to ensure the dam is finally completed, saying despite challenges since the beginning of the project, significant progress has been made so far and he pleaded with relevant stakeholders to pull in the same direction so that the dam is completed.
He was speaking at the 6th annual /Hai-/Khaua Traditional Authority festival in Berseba on Saturday, where he indicated he was looking forward to the completion of the dam, adding that despite media reports about delays in payment and other problems, the government will not relent on making sure the project is completed.
He explained that the non-payment to the contractor is mainly due to the economic situation that Namibia, like any other country, is experiencing, and thus government is working hard towards the realisation of the dam, and called on everyone to do their bit.
“We must continue to hold hands, work together and solve whatever problems come, until that project is finally completed, and once it is completed, maybe early next year, it will mean a lot to our country,” he said.
The minister also took a minute to direct a word of advice to those “who are always at the forefront of opposing government efforts”, saying government cannot sit idle and only rely on facilities that have been built before independence, as the population and developmental needs of the country are changing.
He specifically made reference to the Neckartal dam, saying although critics say the project is expensive, it is an important development. He assured the audience that every single cent meant for the project is accounted for.
“You will hear them say the Neckartal dam is expensive – of course it is a big project being constructed with public funds to serve a purpose, but I can assure you nothing is being abused there in terms of resources,” he said.
Mutorwa also hinted that once completed, the Neckartal dam might get a new indigenous name.