One of the smartest students at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), Fillemon Shivute Amukoto, is advising all young people to pay more attention to their studies as education is the key to success.
Amukoto, who has a bigger dream of becoming a Forensic Scientist, says his humble beginning has taught him a lot in life and focusing his entire life on education is the only way forward. “Growing up as a teenager you get exposed to lots of teen related issues, which can be good or bad, but the most important thing is to never get distracted from your path to greatness. For one to be successful, education plays a great role in shaping our future and professional career,” says Amukoto, adding that It is therefore of outmost importance that all young people are educated.
“Our first home is education institute where we learn how to behave. However, school education is very necessary to be successful in practical life,” he says adding that for that reasons he realised that he needed to further his studies and specialise in a field of study that will make him successful. Amukoto is a second year fulltime student at NUST, currently studying towards his degree in the field of Bachelor of Science. He grew up in the dusty roads of Grootfontein where he attended his primary and secondary education. In Grade During he achieved the award of Junior Academic by scoring 76 % average and that of a Senior Academic by scoring 72 % in Grade 11. While in Grootfotein he also served as a Hostel Deputy Head Boy at the Grootfontein Secondary School.
His passion is to contribute good things to his fellow young people. “Life is so short and we must make good of it every minute of the day. The passion of my life is to give my family a better way of living for a better future and for a better tomorrow,” he once told Youth Corner. “People often ask where I get my inspiration from. The truth is I believe inspiration is for amateurs, if you wait around for the clouds to part, and a bolt of lightning will strikes you in the brain. Obviously then, you are not going to make an awful lot. So if you want to achieve anything in life, you start at that moment, don not wait for inspiration,” said Amukoto then.