
BP Launches Safety Campaign

Home Archived BP Launches Safety Campaign

By Anna Ingwafa BP Namibia has announced its massive campaign to save lives on Namibia’s roads this holiday. The “Lights On, Xupifa Eemwenyo Save Lives” campaign was laun-ched yesterday in the capital. The campaign is in partnership with the National Road Safety Council, the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund and the Namibian Police. Mines and Energy Minister Erkki Nghimtina was present at the launch. Nghimtina praised BP for its decision to join the unique partnership aimed at promoting safety on the roads. “This year’s campaign is unique in the sense that it is a broad partnership, which consists of both equipment on the ground and an education campaign. Aspects such as the management of fatigue and keeping lights on have not been integrated into road safety as much as the more direct aspects such as safety belts, drinking and driving and vehicle roadworthiness. Educating the public about the importance of these issues is key to taking road safety to a higher level in Namibia and saves even more lives.” BP’s Vice President for Marketing Operations, Richard Fienberg said the fact that Namibia was no less affected by the high accident statistics especially during the festive periods encouraged BP to enter into a partnership with the three parties on the campaign. In addition to the Driving Safety Standard campaign which includes minimum vehicle requirements; driver fitness requirements; a ban on the use of mobile phones (including ‘hands free’), and compulsory seatbelt use, according to Fienberg, BP sponsored national road safety campaigns on drinking and driving, the importance of the road worthiness of vehicles and a “Together We Care” road safety campaign. Fienberg encouraged drivers to switch on their lights at all times because it made vehicles, including motorcycles and bicycles, more visible on the road.