Swapo’s Oshikoto regional coordinator Armas Amukwiyu has lost out on being nominated as Omuthiya District’s candidate for Oshikoto regional coordinator’s position, during a marathon election which lasted for eight hours earlier today. Amukwiyu, who garnered 48 votes, lost to Marx Nekongo, who scored 69 votes. This means that Nekongo is the district’s preferred candidate for regional coordinator. The elections are linked to the Swapo elective congress slated for November this year, where the winner of the party’s presidency becomes candidate for the 2019 national presidential election.
Though defeated at district level, Amukwiyu still stands a chance of winning at the regional conference slated for June 24, if nominated by other districts. Various candidates from other districts in the region will battle it out at the regional conference, which would vote for the regional coordinator as well as the region’s delegates to the Swapo congess.