
Chinese president Xi Jinping

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Chinese president Xi Jinping

Chinese president Xi Jinping sent a message of condolence to Namibia’s newly-sworn-in President Nangolo Mbumba over the passing of former president Hage Geingob on 4 February 2024.

On behalf of the Chinese government and people, Xi expressed deep condolences, and extended sincere sympathies to the Namibian government and people, and president Geingob’s family.

Xi Jinping noted that Geingob was an extraordinary leader, who had promoted the in-depth development of the Namibia-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and made important contributions to boosting Namibia and Africa’s friendship with China. 

His passing is a great loss to the Namibian people, and the Chinese people have also lost a good friend. The Chinese side cherishes the profound traditional friendship with Namibia, and is ready to work with the Namibian side.