Confusion over retrenchments at Dundee

Home National Confusion over retrenchments at Dundee


Some workers at Dundee Precious Metals in Tsumeb have recently controversially been retrenched, while still more are expected to be axed.

According to reports the smelter embarked on retrenchments last month. Positions that were deemed non-essential were made redundant while some were downgraded.

But ironically a few days after the redundancies and downgrading the mine re-advertised and is expected to further re-advertise the same positions.

According to some well-placed sources over 10 employees have already been dismissed since January. The workers claim no satisfactory grounds were advanced for their retrenchment.

An employee who spoke on condition of anonymity said she was told her position was no longer necessary and that she should opt for a downgrade or be retrenched.

She opted for a downgrade but “just when I thought that was enough I saw my position advertised, and then I applied just like anyone else. However none of us that applied were accepted nor called for interviews and the advertised position was then cancelled.”

She added that the position was subsequently re-advertised and to her surprise a new employee assumed duty the same day the advert was placed.

Another employee said “there have been rumours that Dundee will be retrenching some workers, but recently the rumour has been confirmed as some people have already lost their jobs in an unreasonable manner”.

Efforts to get comment from Dundee proved futile as the mine communication officer Alina Garises’ phone went unanswered despite the reporter leaving several voice messages. By the time of going to print Garises did not respond to questions sent to her via email.