Development projects galore in Okakarara

Home National Development projects galore in Okakarara

The construction of the Okakarara Vocational Training and Hospitality Centre is among the many projects earmarked for the constituency, according to outgoing councillor Vetaruhe Kandorozu.
Kandorozu said about N$140 million would be availed this financial year from various stakeholders for a number of capital and development projects within the constituency.

He said the Namibia Training Authority (NTA) will avail N$60 million for the construction of the Okakarara Vocational Training and Hospitality Centre, while the Ministry of Health and Social Services will avail N$11.1 million for the construction of the Okondjatu Health Centre and N$3.5 million for the construction of kitchen and laundry room at the Okakarara hospital.

Kandorozu said other developments in the constituency include the construction of sewerage system services at Okondjatu and Okamatapati at a combined cost of N$6 million. In the education sector, Kandorozu said the Okakarara Secondary School will be renovated at the cost of N$16 million while classrooms will be constructed at Okakarara Primary School at a cost of N$350 000. Also, he said, government will construct an Early Childhood Development Centre at Otumborombonga at the cost of N$1.1 million.

Furthermore, Kandorozu said, a total of N$10.2 million has been put aside to tackle drought in the region.
He said the money will be used to drill boreholes at Oviserandu, Ozonguti, Erindirondjamo, Otjoruharui, Otjomukaru, Otjikurioma, Okomumbonde, Ombindaokatimbu and Okozombuka. 

Also, he said the money will be used to rehabilitate existing boreholes at Otjikurioma, Omazera and Otjetu while an earth dam will be constructed at Okatjiparanga.

Furthermore, Kandorozu said, the Okakarara to Okondjatu road and Okahandja-Otjozondu-Okondjatu road remain a priority and will soon be upgraded to bitumen standards by the Roads Authority. 

He said the Okakarara-Coblenz road has been refilled through the spot-gravelling programme even though it is still on the RA programme for complete re-gravelling when money is available. 
He said Okotjitundu to Ohamuheke, Ozondema to Okatjiparanga, and Ozonjanga to Omurambomutima roads have been proclaimed as earth roads and await gravelling.

“Very soon, the branch lines five and six will be proclaimed as district roads through the regional road board while the rest will be proclaimed later after the survey has been done,” he said.

Kandorozu said with all the developments in the constituency, he would leave office as a happy man.
“I will vacate from this office as a happy man with the legacy of bringing services closer to the people. I serve this community with no favouritism, nepotism and biasness,” he said.