
Earthlife’s Concern over LHU’s

Home Archived Earthlife’s Concern over LHU’s

Lack of Transparency We would like to know what the Australian company, Paladine Resources, is really doing at Langer Heinrich. Earthlife’s experience with the Langer Heinrich Uranium (LHU) management has not been very good. In our view, LHU has not been transparent and forthcoming with regard to their information and plans. This is in contrast to RÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚¶ssing Uranium who is forthcoming and constructive in its dealings with the public. We have many examples to prove our point: 1. LHU’s management initially promised a group of environmentalists and researchers access to the mining area. When they arrived at the entrance point to the concession area, they were refused entry. This group has invested a lot of money and energy in trusting the promises of the Managing Director of LHU, Garnet Halliday, and in the end got stranded in the desert. 2. When a German film team requested an interview with the LHU management, this request was refused, because LHU did not see benefits for the company. 3. A public meeting in Windhoek, similar to those regularly held in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, was promised in October 2005 by LHU, but this has never happened. 4. When Earthlife requested a copy of LHU’s public powerpoint, presentations given in October 2005 in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, they didn’t even bother to reply. We are strongly reminded here of Ramatex’s ill-behaviour. 5. An evaluation of parts of LHU’s Environmental Assessment Report has been done by the German Oeko nuclear experts on Earthlife’s request, revealing a number of serious shortcomings and miscalculations. This highly scientific assessment was downplayed and ridiculed by LHU’s management. In the light of the above, Earthlife would hereby like to request the Namibian Government, the Ombudsman, trade unions, the media and civil society to keep a close watch on Langer Heinrich Uranium’s activities. The LHU management has the responsibility to properly inform the Namibian nation regarding what is going on behind their fences. It must be remembered that the concession area is in the Namib Naukluft Park, a prime national park of Namibia, which hosts unique biodiversity and landscapes, and is a source of substantial tourist revenue. Key issues of concern that have not been properly accounted for are radiation, pollution, the tailings, water and electricity consumption, as well as the health of the mine workers. What will happen to the concession area once the mine is decommissioned? We would not like to see Namibia becoming a haven for irresponsible mining and investments. We would also not like investors to see Namibia as a place where they can make easy profits, with little concern for human and animal health and the environment. We would like Paladine Resources to take note of the fact that the protection of Namibian citizen’s rights and safety, as well as the protection of the environment, is an integral part of the Namibian Constitution and Vision 2030. We thank you, Earthlife Namibia