Elephant poacher fined N$30 000

Home Crime and Courts Elephant poacher fined N$30 000

ONGWEDIVA – Johannes Bokoma Nashikaku, who was earlier this month convicted of dealing with protected wildlife products, was on Tuesday slapped with a N$30 000 fine or alternatively three years imprisonment after appearing in the Tsumeb Magistrates Court.

Magistrate Ruben Matuku also ordered that the two elephant tusks that Nashikaku had in his possession at the time of his arrest and the vehicle that he used to transport the tusks, a Nissan NP bakkie, be forfeited to the state.

Nashikaku was arrested last month with two elephant tusks valued at N$3633.74.  The tusks weighed 3.98 kg.
According to the evidence heard in court, Nashikaku was arrested in the Tsumeb district.  He was the driver of the car that has since been forfeited to the state.

Public Prosecutor Memory Harakuta stood in for the state.
Just recently, two men were arrested with an elephant tusk in Ohangwena Region. 
The two aged 24 and 34 were intercepted on the Engela-Omafo road.

The police confiscated the elephant tusk, which was allegedly supposed to be taken to a businessman.
Their case was remanded to June 7 this year for further investigations.