
External exam results announced

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WINDHOEK – Exam results for all Grade 10 and Grade 12 Higher Level learners have shown some improvement this year compared to last year’s results, the Minister of Education Dr David Namwandi announced yesterday.

Out of 34 054 candidates who wrote Grade 10 examinations, 18 613 pupils (54.7 percent) passed and will be promoted to Grade 11 after they got the required marks.

Learners who passed attained the minimum requirement of 23 points and a symbol above F in English, one of the mandatory promotional subjects.

Statistics show an increase of 2.6 percent from 2012, where the 52.1 percent of pupils nationwide qualified for admission to Grade 11.

“On average, since 1993 the percentage of learners qualifying for admission has increased steadily from 37.2 percent to 54.7 percent. However, I believe things could be better,” the minister told a media briefing yesterday.

Oshikoto Region remains the best performing region, followed by Oshana Region, which moved a place up, while Omusati Region dropped one place to become third.

Ohangwena, Kavango and Zambezi came in fourth, fifth and sixth respectively to make up the list of the six best performing regions in nine subjects for fulltime candidates.

Otjozondjupa is the worst performing region this year, while last year’s worst performer, Hardap Region, has moved three places up to occupy tenth position.

Khomas is the second worst performing region behind Karas, Hardap and Kunene in ninth place, Erongo in the eighth spot and Omaheke having improved slightly and moved up one place to become the seventh best performer.

Saint Boniface College in Rundu remains the best performing school, followed by Negumbo Senior Secondary School, Canisianum Roman School, Edugate Academy, Heroes Combined School (CS) and Oshigambo Secondary School in sixth place.

The six worst performing schools from bottom are Gam CS, Ndoro Memorial CS, Adam Steve CS, Mabushe CS, Vooruitsig Junior Secondary School and Augustineum Secondary School.

Female learners outperformed their male counterparts once again this year, where of the 130 best performers, 79 (60.8 percent) were female while 51 or 39.2 percent of the total were male.

Candidates also got better grades in individual subjects with less ungraded symbols in Computer Studies, Geography, History, Home Economics, Life Science, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics,

German First Language, Portuguese First Language, Khoekhoegowab First Language, Oshikwanyama First Language, Oshindonga First Language, Otjiherero First Language, Silozi First Language, Design and Technology, Needlework and Clothing, Keyboard and Word Processing and Sign Language.

The worst performances were recorded in Accounting, Afrikaans First Language, German Foreign Language, Entrepreneurship and Integrated Performing Arts.

The Ministry of Education only released Grade 12 examination results for Higher Level, while the Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) Ordinary Level results would be announced on January 2014.

Out of a total of 54 589 Grade 12 candidates, 11 728 learners sat for the Higher Level subjects in 2013.

The results showed an improvement in aggregate percentage, with graded entries increasing from 95.4 percent in 2012 to 95.8 percent in 2013, which has allowed more students to qualify for university entrance requirements.

“I encourage all learners who have successfully completed Grade 12 and fulfilled the university entrance requirements to seek university admission here, elsewhere in the region and abroad,” said the minister.

Elmarize Oosthuizen of Windhoek Gymnasium is the recipient of a National Open Scholarship for best overall performance aggregate score in the NSSC Higher Level and N$2000 in cash.

Ooshuizen intends to study for a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at Stellenbosch University in neighbouring South Africa.

Abrille Beukes of St George’s Diocesan College and Juan O’Callaghan, a learner at Windhoek Gymnasium School, both received N$1 200 for best performance in six NSSC Higher Level subjects.

O’Callaghan also plans to study for a Bachelor of Science in Engineering also at Stellenbosch University.

Etosha Secondary School learner Shi-Chung Lo and Imke Stehn of Delta High School each received N$1 200 for best performance in five NSSC Higher Level subjects.

Stehn wants to study a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science at the Univesity of Free State also in South Africa.

By Magreth Nunuhe