
Fallout over facebook comment

Home Lifestyle Fallout over facebook comment

“Valentine’s Day is for Kwanyama people, the Ndongas, Kwambis and Ngandjera can wait for AIDS Day”, these are the words uttered in our top trending clip by a temporary staff member of the Oshakati Pharmacy Group.

The Oshakati Pharmacy Group on social media gave a statement addressing the video circulating and widely being shared. “The Oshakati Pharmacy Group sincerely regrets the social media post made on the private accounts by one of the temporary staff members. This does not reflect on the position of the Oshakati Pharmacy Group,” read the statement.

Aina from the marketing department at the pharmacy confirmed to Entertainment Now! the post was legit and from the pharmacies account, further saying if there are more questions, she will consult her superiors and revert. She still didn’t reply at the time of going to print.

Comments on social media from some users are saying that it was meant to be a joke. “I hope she is not fired, if she’s fired, then is it in the company code of conduct that no one can take video in a company uniform? Even though it is tribalism related, to me this was just meant for fun. Oshakati pharmacy group should tell me,” read a comment from TooN Algorithm.

Another one from Liya Moongo who posted: there was honestly nothing that she did wrong. One thing that the pharmacy could have done was to at least give her a warning. We all understand that things done on social media are things to laugh at and or crack someone’s day, those catching are the ones infected or what?…warning was supposed to be given first..and secondly it’s not as if she knows the infected ones. Seriously now. You guys r dramatic”.

Do you think the pharmacy blew this way out of proportion and this was an innocent joke or did they do the right thing by letting her go? psiririka@nepc.com.na