
Father, daughter killed in accident

Home Karas Father, daughter killed in accident

KEETMANSHOOP – A father and his 4-year-old daughter died on the spot after the vehicle in which they were travelling from Berseba en route to Keetmanshoop overturned on Wednesday afternoon.

The fatal accident is believed to have been caused by a tyre burst. Police Crime Investigations Coordinator in the //Karas Region, Deputy Commissioner Rudolf Isaaks confirmed the death of 32-year-old Victor Hamman and his daughter Angel Amber Motinga.

The deceased were travelling from Berseba where Hamman runs a business enterprise.

A 29-year-old man and a 47-year-old woman both escaped with minor injuries and are still in the Keetmanshoop State Hospital for observation.

According to Isaaks the accident occurred 35 kilometres from Keetmanshoop at around 16h15 on Wednesday afternoon.


By Jemima Beukes