FIFPro happy with NAFPU success, insist more can be done

Home Sports FIFPro happy with NAFPU success, insist more can be done


Secretary-General of the International Federation of Professional Footballers (FIFPro), Theo van Seggelen has express satisfaction with the overall achievements of the Namibia Football Players Union (NAFPU), saying the Union boasts the potential to do even more.

Speaking yesterday during the well-attended FIFPro Division Africa Congress held at Hilton Hotel in the capital, Van Seggelen said despite the good progress achieved by NAFPU, FIFPro will continue to keep a close eye on all NAFPU’s developments and efforts in addressing the plight of footballers.

“As Secretary-General of FIFPro, I will keep supporting the efforts of NAFPU and other member organisations in order for the FIFPro family to achieve all its set targets. NAFPU still has a lot to do in the areas of contractual disputes between clubs and players, setting up Dispute Resolution Chambers with equal representation to oversee contractual and regulatory compliance in a fair manner. The inclusion of players or player representatives in the league FA governance processes, ensuring that players take the leading role and are not bypassed in decision-making process is also another area where NAFPU is making progress and can even do better,” said Van Seggelen.

In conclusion, Van Seggelen urged all FIFPro Africa Division member countries to double their efforts in improving the livelihood of players on and off the pitch while also striving to attain international standards just like their sister members in other continents.

Next on the podium was Namibia Premier League (NPL) Chairman Johnny ‘JJD’ Doeseb, who reaffirmed the NPL’s unwavering commitment and support towards the efforts of NAFPU in addressing the struggles faced by footballers.
“At our Constitutional Review Meeting over the weekend, the NPL leadership resolved to rope in to the services of NAFPU and from now on going forward NAFPU will be part and parcel of the NPL Executive Committee and that’s a decision that was taken at the meeting. We hope with this move, the players, through NAFPU, will be fully represented and be part of all decisions taken by the league. That basically means the NPL recognises NAFPU as the only bargaining body for local footballers,” said Doeseb.

Doeseb called on all former footballers and leaders to come on board and support the efforts of NAFPU in addressing the plight of footballers through various initiatives and programmes.

“It’s not just the responsibility of NAFPU, NFA or the NPL, but it’s the responsibility of the entire football family, including players and spectators, to come up with different plans in order to take football to greater heights while also improving the living conditions of footballers.”