German Parliament president to visit Namibia

Home National German Parliament president to visit Namibia


The President of the German Parliament, Dr Norbert Lammert, and his wife Getrud will shortly arrive in the country for what has been described as an ‘informative visit’ and will engage with several government entities and the Speaker of the National Assembly Professor Peter Katjavivi. Lammert will arrive at the invitation of one of the German foundations in Namibia and as a clear confirmation of the political will that exists between Namibia and Germany.

This was revealed by newly appointed German Ambassador to Namibia, Christian Matthias Schlage, during his courtesy visit to Vice-President Dr Nickey Iyambo yesterday at Old State House.

He said to Dr Iyambo that Namibia has developed remarkably over the last 25 years and that Germany is very interested to contribute further to its development. “We have been in this country with our development cooperation partners for many years and have spent a lot of money, but it is not the money as such that really counts, but the political will behind it to be honest partners. We should treat each other at the same level and take each other seriously, and on this basis find further sectors to cooperate in,” he said. He added that he was still at the beginning of his learning curve to see what really has been happening over the years between the two countries.